Leela Farm

Est. 1994

400 acres of seasonal flood plains and rolling hills, nestled at the bottom of Myocum Valley, 15 minutes outside Byron Bay.


Byron Bay, NSW 2481



“I came back to our family farm three years ago, after living abroad, studying and attempting to discover my broader European family roots.

While I found my extended family in the Netherlands, and my countrymen in Italy, throughout my travels and learnings there was always something missing. Australia, The Byron Shire, and our connection to the land I grew up on.

I could never have imagined I would be back in our small town of Mullumbimby, not in my wildest dreams was I managing our family farm.

Now I can’t imagine my life without it, the land, the herd, the community and family we have here.”

— Johan ‘Simone’ Kortenhorst

Farmer Sam - The ‘Vegetarian Butcher'

Although he survives on a plant based diet, Sam can handle every part of the cattle life cycle from pulling a calf in the paddock to processing a beast ready for the plate.

Sam first started farming our land back in 2015, after attending a Holistic Management course.

His passion for raising cattle and regenerating land meeting his desire to have his budding family in an environment that will grow their soul as well as our soils.

While he started out as a full time farm contractor leasing our land for a client of his, he now lives on the property with his family, working as a financial consultant by day and farmer by night.